Monday, October 15, 2007

Everything in Moderation

Friends. Get ready. Next year, in lieu of having to sell myself on Franklin to pay for housing, Jonathan, Jonathan, and I will be purchasing a trailer home and hitching it up to Jonathan's grotsky red Honda and hauling that junk up to the top floor of Cobb deck - putting that sucker in park - and residing there for our final, triumphant year at this God-forsaken University. And yes, we WILL have the hookah bubblin' TWENTY-FOUR-SEVEN. Also, while I am having a lesbian relationship with Abby Farson after I don't get married, J. Hecht will be having on-again-off-again love triangle with Fillet-o-Fish and Jonathan Clements.

Andrew Fletcher desperately needs a point of balance. Or alcohol. Or weed. Or both. Either are okay in moderation.

By the way, I am going to Mexico. Keep me in your prayers.

Also, I have a new best friend. His name is Rodrigo. And yes, he IS a meth addicted clown.

Good night, friends.

P.S. - Orgies and soccer practice are not mutually exclusive activities.

P.S.S. - While everyone has their panties in a bunch over tuition, I am worrying about how to make every building over 8 stories a-okay for alcohol. I don't know how this is going to affect my future life in Cobb Deck, but that's something I'll figure out another day.


fiercest said...

kathryn or catherine or whoever you are--thanks for that post. it was hysterical. and boy but i needed it.


Abby said...

I cannot WAIT to begin our lesbian love, m'dear. And breastfeed our beautiful, white-smocked children. It will be glorious. And you can wear the pants.