Monday, October 22, 2007

Get Off Your Lazy Butt and Run (Like Mike!)

Why hello there, beautiful people.

My dad's going to Nuevo Mexico this weekend. I'm laughing. And about Amy Tan - I think she's dumb. I don't have anything to say about her.

Jonathan just said, "But look at the pencils!" Plaintively.

"BYAH!" he says.

I'm voting for the guy, no...the presidential candidate, what's his name? Stephen Colbert? He's not even running. Yes he is, in South Carolina. w00t. Rudy! That's who it is!

I'm so horribly unproductive, you can't even tell.

And college beards apparently don't count. Nick's OK with that, because he'll be out of college before he can grow one.

Jonathan has made everything in this room go to pot by his very presence.

No, not Rudy! Huckabee! I told you it was a double name, like 'Huckabee.' You know, the guy who used to be fat, but now he isn't. Running'll do that to ya.

El Fin.

Coversational Addendum:
Jonathan: I can't believe your mom would buy you 115 dollar pair of jeans.
Nick: My mom loves me.

News flash:
Jonathan's parents do not love him because they make him purchase his own denim.


Brittany said...

New Post, Catherine! Katherine! We need something brilliant from you. The world is craving it.

Abby said...

Yeah. You two need to get off YOUR lazy butts and write something...