Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Some fool tried to tickle the workers at Cosmic.

I may be going to Charlotte. Essentially, someone wants us to drive 143 miles to dine at, not one but, TWO Peruvian eating establishments. If it's anything like our magical experience with Pollo Rico then the night will end with evil Mexican glares, no food, and me ice skating through six different emotions in the span of eighteen seconds.

Also, Jonathan has cultivated a peculiar fixation with Chesterton, the Davis Library velociraptor. If you'd like to visit him he resides on the South wall of Davis, closest to the Student Union. I'm sure he'd appreciate a friendly wave or casual hello. There's another dinosaur around the corner named Lou. Jonathan doesn't like him as much.

Parade was wonderful, thanks for asking. I'm glad you all came to hear me in it. Sike. You bitches.

I have paper towels right here in my room. You don't need to leave.

Also, I have a Brilliant Idea. Captial B. Captial I. Let's all just buy one-way tickets to some far-off destination, quit school, NOT take our Media Ethic exams, and live for yet-to-be-determined amount of years. J. Clem will go to South America, Miguel leave for New Zealand, Korean will go to Scotland, and I'll go... somewhere. Brussels maybe?

Alright. That is all for tonight. I love you all. Sorta.

1 comment:

Abby said...

Your effervescent wit is just one of the 304,238 reasons why I LOVE YOU.

(Thanks for updating, yo. There was a posting dearth there for a while...)